Ellsworth Sportsmen's Club, Inc.
ESC Physical Address (GPS)
20 Ten Mile Lane
Scenery Hill, PA 15360

ESC Mailing Address
P.O. Box 300
Ellsworth, PA 15331

Welcome to the ESC Rifle Range

The Rifle range has three main targets at 50 yards, 100 yards, and the deep target at 200 yards. It is maintained by our Officers, Board Members, and our membership. Please pick up after yourselves.
The Rifle Range is for member enjoyment during all daylight hours. To shoot with night vision, you must receive permission and approval of the Executive Committee (officers & board).
Members are permitted to bring 1 guest. If more than one guest, please secure prior approval of the see the Range Master, Jim McCaul, ESC Vice President Ryan Wise, or ESC President Jimmy Reedy.

Range Rules
​The purpose of these rules is to assure the safety of all persons using the facilities of the Club, to safeguard the facilities, and to facilitate the safe functioning of the Club within our community.
Every member is responsible for promoting strict adherence to the letter and spirit of these rules. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RULES MAY RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION. The Range Master has overall responsibility for the safe operation of the Club. However, every member is equally charged with knowing, understanding, following, and enforcing these rules.
​These rules are in force at all times and during all events. It is the responsibility of all members to strictly adhere to these rules, and shall insist on similar adherence by all others. MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO CARRY THEIR MEMBER CARDS AT ALL TIMES. MEMBERS MUST PRESENT THEIR CARDS AND BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES WHEN ASKED BY ANY OFFICER OR OTHER MEMBER
Any member observing conduct contrary to these rules shall bring the matter to the attention of the person responsible for such conduct. This shall be done in a courteous manner reflecting the member’s concern for mutual safety and adherence to club rules. Belligerent or dictatorial expressions shall be avoided. In the event this effort does not produce the desired results, the member shall bring the matter to the attention of the Executive Range Officer (ERO).
Exercise Safe Firearm Handling.
Always point firearms, loaded or otherwise, in a safe direction that, should it discharge, no catastrophe would result. Keep your finger off of the trigger until ready to fire. Keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.
Do not touch or handle firearms for any reason, if anybody is forward of the line. Do not handle clips, magazines, ammunition, scopes, or any other device which is on the firing line if anybody is forward of the line.
In all circumstances, shooters on a particular range shall cease fire and “CLEAR” their firearms before another shooter starts forward. (“CLEAR” means that actions are open, ammunition and magazines are removed, and all persons step back from the line).
After clearing their firearm, each shooter will declare CLEAR before anyone moves forward of the firing line. When everybody has returned behind the firing line each shooter will declare the LINE IS HOT before shooters can again commence firing.
The following activities are STRICTLY PROHIBITED:
Absolutely NO shotguns on Rifle Range
No standing and firing IN FRONT of the range cover.
Use of firearms in the fully automatic mode.
Use of exploding targets.
Use of tracer and incendiary bullets.
Haphazard firing (bump fire, uncontrolled fire - rapid or otherwise)
Cross firing at targets.
Shooting from the draw.